UNIVERSALITY IN RACE, LANGUAGE, RELIGION AND CULTURE official source: A Few Problems Solved Part 6 cross-references: also published in Prout in a Nutshell Part 6 this version: is the printed A Few Problems Solved Part 6, 1st edition, version (spelling mistakes only may have been corrected). I.e., this is the most up-to-date version as of the present Electronic Edition. The subject matter for today's discourse is, "Universality in Race, Language, Religion and Culture". Though there are some apparent or prima facie differences in language, colour, etc. in human beings, still in all essential matters they come from the same source, they originate from One Singular Entity -- Parama Purusa. There may be linguistic differences, colour differences, national differences, but all these are external and apparent. It is the language of the heart, the language of sentiment, and not the language of the tongue, that should be heard. No language can claim to be an original language -- neither English, nor Telegu nor Bengali. The English language is not an original language. Nine hundred years ago there was no English language, one thousand-five hundred years ago there was no Bengali language and eight hundred years ago there were no Angika, Maithili and Assamese languages. Modern English is a mixture of the Scotch tongue, the old Norman tongue, the Anglo-Saxon tongue, the Briton tongue, the Celt tongue, and the Latin and Greek tongues. All these tongues gave birth to modern English. Till the days of King Alfred the Great there was no approved standard of English vocabulary. Similarly, the Bengali language consists of Sam'skrta roots and words, and a large number of English, Japanese, Portuguese and Arabic words. Again, Telegu language is composed of Cantonese, Indonesian and Malaysian words and a number of Sam'skrta words. Similarly, no race can claim the absolute purity of its blood. Hitler's clam about the purity of Aryan blood was to mislead the people. In Europe alone there are so many races such as the Nordic, Mediterranean, Alpine and Greek races. In India there are Austrics, Austrico-Negroids, Dravidians, Mongolo-Negroids, and the like. Therefore, no race is absolutely free from blending. Everywhere there is universal blending. Nowhere in the world will you find a single original race and language. Human society is a singular entity. All the merits and demerits of the society are ours. They are our common patrimony. It is foolishness to claim that the merits are ours and the demerits are someone else's. In this universe all entities are divine; only people have to realise it. Nobody is helpless or alone in this universe. We have mundane, supramundane and spiritual relationships with the universe. So it is the bounden duty of human beings to expand their mental arena because basically all finite entities have the inherent wont of universal pervasion. Their goal is the Supreme Entity who is free from limitations. Human beings will have to expand themselves so much that they will go beyond the fetters of limitations. There cannot be and should not be an inferiority or superiority complex in anybody. Those who preach individual racial superiority are committing sins. They are going against human Dharma. Like earth, air and water, Dharma is common to one and all. Human beings will have to become one with the Universal Entity. The famous American poet Karl Sandburg proclaimed - "There is only one man in the world, And his name is All Men, There is only one woman in the world, And her name is All Women. There is only one child in the world, And the child's name is All Children." The same thing has been most beautifully described by Satyendranath Dutta, the Asian poet: "Jagat juria ek jati ache, se jatir nam manus jati, Eki prithivi stanye palita, eki ravi shashi moder sathi."