[FILLERS] official sources: not located. Writers who wish to quote from these fillers should mention: "The source document or tape for this quotation has not been located." cross-references: The Great Universe: Discourses on Society this version: is the printed The Great Universe: Discourses on Society, 1st edition, version (spelling mistakes only may have been corrected). [filler] Human civilization is not a flower but a beautiful garden with innumerable flowers of so many scents and so many varieties. We should take proper care of this garden of civilization -- we must take proper care of each and every flower. [filler] The great, pervasive, benevolent trend of thought, with the common man on one side and the Supreme Consciousness on the other, is what we call literature. [filler] The characteristic of intellectuals is that they like what they cannot understand. If they do not understand it they will say, "Very good, very good." If it is something they can easily understand, they say, "Nothing new, nothing special." [filler] Phony intellectuals understand a lot, know a lot, smile sagely with closed eyes and speak sparingly to give an impression of reserve and gravity, lest the cat get out of the bag and expose them. [filler] When those at the helm of society despise others, a sizable catastrophe arises. This outlook of looking down upon others is not always born of a superiority complex. In many cases a person may ridicule others to cover up his own ignorance. This egostic feeling of superiority is detrimental to society. No matter what the education, intelligence, features, virtues, rank or age of an individual, everyone should bear in mind that the one he considers inferior, may excel him in some sphere. I have already said and I say it again -- seventy-five percent of the troubles that overrun human society are due to the injustices inflicted upon one man by another. [filler] 0 human being! Humanity is the highest truth of the universe. There is nothing above it.